Sleep laboratory

If it is already clear in the preliminary that you suffer from sleep apnea, or ambulatory polygraphy has provided a positive proof, you should spend a night for further clarification in our own sleep laboratory. With Intersleep, in contrast to the other practices, it often can be done on the same day as the diagnostic presentation.

This test is called polysomnography, and allows a differential diagnosis to rule out other causes for your sleep-related breathing disorder. Additionally, organic disorders like respiratory problems may be observed in an actual sleep situation.

Latest by 10 p.m. you should be in the sleep laboratory. A single room with shower and toilet, but without the atmosphere of a hospital room awaits you. Only an infrared camera and some measuring instruments are different than in a hotel room. The procedure of the cable connection with your body requires no punctures and is completely painless.

After you have been wired to the central monitoring room your eye movements, brain waves, muscle tension, respiration and oxygen saturation of your blood are checked, measured and saved. In addition, state-of- the-art technology records your sleep time, sleep history and depth of sleep, also your overall sleep quality. Furthermore, your sleeping positions, and the movement of your legs. The spectrum is measured with an electrocardiogram (ECG), complete in all its diversity and allows a reliable diagnosis.

In general, the night for you is finished after 7 to 8 hours, and after a coffee you may go home.

An emergency medical care is always on standby. And despite the many cables, most patients sleep normally in our sleep laboratory.